
I strive to provide dynamic and visually pleasing applications. I truly enjoy the creativity behind each project and the learning involved along the process.

Hover each image to see project description and url links

Make My Day App
Make My Day App

This version of Make My Day App showcases my personal style and layout of the homepage. This app presents the user with an uplifting gallery of foxy images, quotes, and gifs.

Built with: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | JQuery | JSON | AJAX | MDBootstrap | CSS Gradient IO | Third Party APIs

Portfolio V2.0 App
Portfolio v02.0

This is the lastest version of my web developer portfolio showcasing a more modern, interactive, and responsive design.

Built with: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bulma

Weather Dashboard App
Weather Dashboard

This is a simple and easy to use application to check the local weather. It displays UV-index, current weather, five day forecast, and also saves previous city entries for easy access.

Built with: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | JQuery | JSON | MDBootstrap | Server Side APIs

Day Planner App
Day Planner

This application is a very simple and easy to use to help the user stay organized by adding and saving tasks from a time period. The application is color coded to present past tasks, present, and future tasks.

Built with: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Server Side APIs | JQuery

Trivia Game App
Trivia Game

Trivia Game App presents the user with five trivia programming questions, simply follow the rules of the game and get your final scores at the end of the game!.

Built with: HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Password Generator App
Password Generator

This application generates a randomized password based on certain password criteria. In addition, the application presents the user with the option to save or reset the generated password.

Built with: HTML | CSS | JavaScript